Specialist Certification
Certification progress
Who is eligible?
The course is open for medical practitioners (allopathic and naturopathic). The course is of postgraduate masters level and health practitioners of minimum five years of clinical practice have recruitment priority, as outlined in the application fomr.
Course duration
The course is structured into seven modules of recorded lectures with additional tutorials, with the aim to bring about a greater clinical aptitude as outlined in 'standards and competencies for specialisation'.
Specialist Diploma
The final exam with dissertation, after completion of the programme leads to a Specialist Diploma (Spec.Cert.BM) in Bioregulatory Medicine and status of specialist.
Specialist register
The Bioregulatory medicine specialists can join the Specialist register and membership of the Society.
Course Programme and Assessment
Specialisation outline
●Theoretical foundation of systems biology, medical algorithms and diagnostic parameters.
●Therapeutical parameters of Lower cellular and matrix homeostatic systems.
●Therapeutical aspect of Higher PNEI systems:
•Endocrine influence to general homeostasis, symptoms and treatment.
•Immune system failure, signs and tretament.
•Psychological functioning in mental processing and neurotransmitters involved in self-regulation.
•Mind consciousness relationship to overall disease process and treatment strategies.
Specialisation exam
The specialist exam consists of:
●Written paper that contains two short essays and one multiple choice paper.
●The thesis that is completed with an allocated tutor during the course duration and is presented for 45 minutes, to the examination board.
Final passing marks are the combined average of written papers and viva presentation of thesis.