Biomedic Publications
British Homeotherapeutic Formulary (BHF)
British Homeotherapeutic Formulary, edited by Dr Damir A Shakambet, is the first compendium of nanopharmacological bioregulating medicines, providing a detailed description of their functions, indications and recommended dosages, including an introduction to Bioregulatory medical principles.
"In its form and function this book is a parallel volume to the British National Formulary and should therefore sit alongside on all doctors and
health practitioners bookshelves."
Dr Michael Kirkman, MD (1937-2013)
Bioregulatory Medicine Textbook
Foundation of Bioregulatory Medicine, is a book written by Dr Shakambet. It is divided into chapters from Lower and Higher systems of homeostatic regulation and following chapters provide clinical setting for each phase of disease development; psychosomatic, inflammatory, degenerative and neoplastic phases with Bioregulatory treatment individualistic protocol according to the algorithm of homeostatic pattern of changes.