Bioresonance Medicine
Bioresonance Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy is based on human electro-physiology. Electrodermal assessment of conductivity gives readings of tissue resistance and different electric intensity applied may elicit different tissue responses. This is read by a computerised database which can be used diagnostically and therapeutically.
Bioresonance medicine is based on the electromagnetic bioresonance of very high frequencies, amplified and compared against a computer, which provides a set of tissue resonant frequencies that may be used to diagnose.
Bioresonance devices offer a support tool for integrated, wholistic therapy. The objective of Bioregulatory Medicine is to re-establish bioenergetic homeostasis, hence, bioregulatory doctors may feel the need to use a bioresonance device during therapy.
Bioresonance devices can help to confirm early bioenergetic disturbances.
Electrodermal Screening (EDS) allows us to evaluate the bioelectricity and skin resistance which can be measured at points along acupuncture meridians, which are much more electrically conductive than the surrounding tissue. Schimmel also added 'filters' of certain pathogens or diseased tissue in the circuit with the measuring device. By taking very rapid readings from any area of skin contact he removed the need for taking measurements at an individual acu-point - which would provide electronic signatures that can be used as a diagnostic or treatment tool. The bioelectric meridian system is like a blueprint that the body builds itself on and all of the biochemical processes of the body are interlinked with this flow. If we can determine energetic imbalances (areas of dysregulation) and subsequently, find substances to restore balance (relieve dysregulation) in those areas, we can stimulate the body's own system to overcome the problem.
Oscillatory Biological resonance is a mechanism of extremely high frequencies with biological homeostatic effect exercised by tuning into different cells and organs. These healing frequencies are brought in by subtle antenae that capture its oscillatory pattern and reintroduces them into the body creating multifrequency resonances and adjustment of homeostasis.
The website ( of the late Jacques Benveniste MD, provides scientific proof that vibrational exchange is the language of biochemistry - this is the concept that underlies the paradigm of homeopathy. In the vibrational paradigm, the homeopathic remedies as well as the molecules produced in our body which govern our physiology, work not by binding to a specific anatomic receptor on the wall of a cell, but by emitting an informational signal. These vibrations, at a specific resonance frequency, can be sensed and responded to by the cells of our body. In the homeopathic paradigm, it is the informational signature of the treatment molecule that blocks the receptor that would otherwise be stimulated by the signal given off by the ligand. Homeopathic preparations contain the signals once emitted by a therapeutic agent. A solution of therapeutic molecules is diluted over and over again, to the point where no molecules of the original substance remain. All that is left is the informational signal given off by the molecule in question, now in concentrated form. As it is these signals that get the work done in digital homeopathy, the more dilute the homeopathic preparation, the greater will be its concentration of frequencies, the more powerful will be its therapeutic effect. Removing from solution a molecule that once emitted a signal creates an entity called a hyperproton, basically concentrated energy. Dr. Benveniste demonstrated that the frequency given off from a given therapeutic agent could be recorded, digitized, emailed across the Atlantic, and then "played" to a biological system to generate a biological effect - the same effect that would occur if the original molecule was administered in intact form. This is digital homeopathy. In digital homeopathy it's all about the information; not the molecule that provides the information. A number of means exist by which you can be treated with specific informational resonances.