Second Part - Distance learning
The following five topics are taught via distance learning by supervised course assignments. Every participant is assigned a course coordinator who will guide and assist the student during the rest of the course.
- BIO AC 21 Homotoxicology in Respiratory System
- BIO AC 22 Skin conditions in Homotoxicology
- BIO AC 23 Urogenital System and Homotoxicological Treatment
- BIO AC 24 Homotoxicology in Cardiovascular pathologies
- BIO AC 25 Homotoxicology in Neuro-psychiatry
- Homeopathic Mesotherapy and practical hours (optional)
- Final Exam
In order to commence the second part please fill in the application form and download the prospectus for further instructions. You will receive handouts for five advanced topics and six assignments will be allocated, before taking the final diploma exam.
The assignments are a prerequisite for taking the final exam, and they should be submitted in English, each minimum of 2,000 words (in addition to charts, diagrams and references), typed in Arial 12, in a Microsoft WORD document (.doc) format and sent as an attachment to your course coordinator.
During the exam weekend, participants will have an optional two days of further training in Bioregulatory Aesthetic Medicine and practical applications of homeopathic Mesotherapy.