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Russian Society for Bioregulatory Medicine

The Russian Society is an independent self-regulating professional body that regulates membership and specialist competencies in the field of Bioregulatory Medicine in Russian federation.

Bioregulatory Medicine is an all-encompassing, scientific, methodology that extends aetiology with a new scientific paradigm, to include physiological network systems and multifactorioal aetiology in medical science.

The bioregulatory approach unlocks potential of systems biology and integrating clinical psychology and psychosomatics, together with modern psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology. Bioregulatory treatments are regulating homeostasis by facilitating array of biological informations by homeotherapeuticals, neural therapy or orthomolecular therapies, combined with detoxification, in order to prepare biological terrain for corrective informational homeostasis.

Specialist Board registration

The Specialist Board of the Russian and International Societies sets Training Standards and Competencies in the field of Bioregulatory medicine. It also registers those who have completed specialisation programme, and oversee membership at the Russian Society specialist register.
The specialist diploma course that consists of four modules, each five days long, teaching the theory and practice of Bioregulatory Medicine, which is completed by 'viva voce' thesis and specialist exam.
The Course is presented by the International Society for the Bioregulatory Medicineand graduates of the program will receive a Specialist Diploma in Bioregulatory Medicine and become eligible for a professional membership with:

  • International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine as well as
  • Russian Society for Bioregulatory Medicine
  • 2016 in Moscow three days seminar in Bioregulatory Aesthetic Medicine "Biofacelift"
  • 2016 in Moscow, Dr Tatyana Bosh leads course in Bioregulatory Ophthalmology.
  • 26-30 May 2016 First Module, specialisation course