Bioregulatory Systems medicine
Systems orientated medicine takes into consideration all multifactorial inferences to the biological function, and since patients are exposed to various factors, individually orientated treatment removes of dysregulation. Bioregulatory systems medicine looks into healing resources and activates blocked biological informational feedback systems, thus balancing all aspect of higher (PNEI) and lower systems in order to initiate corrective homeostasis.
Principles of Systems Medicine
Multi-target regulation
Biological systems are made up of complex physiological informational network which interact with each other to maintain balance and peak optimal health. In disease conditions many of these interacting systems have been thrown out of balance and need to be rebalanced in order to regain health. Thus, by combining different systems orientated treatment in carefully formulated bioregulatory protocol, many targets may be addressed at once. With such multi-target approach through support and stimulation, the therapeutic results are greatly enhanced and mimick nature, while being much more gentle on the body.
Homeostasis orientated treatment
Homeostasis is a self-regulatory feedback mechanism and bioregulatory treatment is based on supporting and establishing uninterupted flow of information between lower and higher systems, by restoring this innate self-regulatory process.
Personal growth and self-consciousness
Integral part of systems approach is consciousness growth as the highest positioned systems may create or de-create disease process (placebo versus nocebo), and carefully devised neurovegetative protocol removes any belief that fomrs systems inhibition.
Diagnosis as an algorithm probability
Systems biology encalculates all factors involved in a state of health. Systems factors that disturbs functioning vary enormously between each patient, and a individual assessement makes a diagnosis a probability outcome; treatment protocol based on algorithm values is a dynamical and balancing treatment until full homeostasis is restored.
Treatment according to the stage of disease progression
Disease has been postulated to progress through various stages and pass through various tissues, from the blood and tissue fluids to the so-called extracellular matrix (the connective tissue in between cells), until it finally reaches the cellular structures of the body. In bioregulatory medicine the diseases are classified according to this progression in the Disease Evolution Table (DET). This enables the physician to construct a treatment plan according to the stage of disease progression.
Stimulation of the body’s own regulatory mechanisms
By using substances that body need, the regulatory systems of the body are gently activated to restore balance naturally. For instance, within the hormonal system precursors of vital hommones like thyroxine or its biological equivalents are used.
Dysregulatory factors removal
One of the key element sin system sapproach is to identify the factors that are obstacle to normal functioning. Th etreatment i sbased on eliminating these factors of chemical or other noxious origin.