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Drug free medical centre

Postgraduate Bioregulatory Specialist Programme

Specialist Training Course

Russian Society with academy as its teaching body for specialisation course in Bioregulatory Medicine. The Specialist programme consists of Four Modules over one year with a final specialist exam with thesis.

The program is a specialist Diploma that consists of four modules, of teaching the theory and practice of Bioregulatory Medicine.
Graduates of the program will receive a Specialist certification as a board registered specialisation in Canada, as a professional membership that entitles specialist status and Membership or Fellowship of the Canadian and International Societies.

  • International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine
  • Russian Society for Bioregulatory Medicine
  • photogif

    For additional course details please contact Course registrar on:

    MODULE 1   tba 2016

    Fundamentals of Bioregulatory medicine
    Biological Systems Theory and Homeostasis
    Psychosomatisation and Disease Stage Process
    Bioregulatory Anamnesis
    Presomatic Phase of Disease Process
    Detoxifying Systems
    Introduction to Homeotherapeuticals
    Bioregulatory Detoxification procedures
    Psychosomatic Bodywork
    Biological meridians blockages and tendo-muscular correlations
    Bioregulation of the Skin, Hepatobiliary and Mucosal Systems

    MODULE 2   tba 2016

    Bioregulatory Treatment of Inflammatory Phase
    PNEI system feedback
    Bioregulation of the Psychoneurologic, Immune and Endocrine Systems
    Hormonal Panel Biochemistry
    Bioregulation of Inflammatory Conditions
    Immunomodulation of Allergic and Autoimmune Conditions
    Therapeutic Rapport and Patient Management
    Clinical Hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming
    Acupuncture and Biological Meridians - Part one
    Bioregulatory Detoxifying Nutrition
    Manual Lymphatic Drainage
    Homeotherapeuticals in Inflammatory Conditions
    Psychovegetative treatment - Part one

    MODULE 3   tba 2016

    Bioregulatory Treatment of Degeneration Phase
    Treatment Principles of Degenerative Conditions
    Management of Chronic Digestive, Respiratory, and Urogenital Disorders
    Gynecological and Cardiovascular Degenerative Disorders
    Psychosomatic Treatment at Soft Tissue Level
    Psychosomatic Bodywork - Part two
    Visceral and Fascial Blockages
    Homeotherapeuticals in Degenerative Conditions
    Bioregulatory Nutrition and Antioxidant Therapy
    Acupressure and Dry Needling - Part one

    MODULE 4   tba 2016

    Bioregulatory Treatment of Malignant Phase
    Oncology Treatment and Prevention
    Disorders of Musculo-skeletal and Connective Systems
    Bioenergetics and Somato-emotional Release
    Acupuncture and Dry Needling - Part two
    Bioregulatory Ophthalmology and Dentistry
    Psychovegetative treatment - Part two
    Homeotherpeuticals in Malignancy
    EXAM tba 2016

    -Details of course venue to be announced at a later date
    -Light lunch and two coffee breaks, with refreshment are included


  • The Download prospectus for specialist programme consists of four modules over one year with a final exam.